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Homeorep is an advanced, flexible and intuitive homeopathic App for the repertorisation of symptoms according to the so called Boenninghausen’s Method (with polarities and contraindications). It has been developed for the demanding homeopaths who need a tool capable of helping them solve the ever different clinical cases encountered in daily practice. It provides many features which the practitioners will find useful to manage their clinical cases.
The database of rubrics contains the Therapeutic Pocketbook 1846 as its core. The Sides of the Body and Drug Affinities 1853 also by C. von Boenninghausen is included.
As a consequence of the probabilist properties of this unique Repertory, the selection of a complete symptom (3 rubrics: Localisation + Sensation + Modality) brings forth the potentially most indicated remedies. Precision increases with the addition of (well selected) supplemental rubrics.
There is a patients data system which enables to record consultations for each patient.
Homeorep delivers the repertorisation of the selected rubrics in a moment in the form of a clear and elegant Design. It is the perfect tool to make on the move a repertorisation with polar rubrics.
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General presentation of the Homeorep App:
Managing the selected rubrics:
Details on the toolbar icons (SELECTION page):

rename: The combination (union or intersection) of multiple rubrics creates a new rubric called New Combined Rubric. Highlighting (in gray) this new rubric and then touching the rename icon allows you to rename it. It is not necessary to specify the Part and Chapter of the rubric when renaming.
combine: There are 2 ways to combine several rubrics. Either by taking the remedies present in one rubric at least (union) or by taking the remedies present in all rubrics (intersection).
eliminate: highlighting one rubric or more then touching the Ⓔ icon deletes from the evaluation grid the remedies which are not present in this or these rubrics.
move: moving rubrics up or down works when a rubric is highlighted one at a time.
polar status: change polar status in a loop. If you do not agree with the built-in polar status of a rubric in the database, this icon gives you the opportunity to change it in the Selection page. Moreover you can create your own polar rubrics duos. Remember that a rubric must be immediately followed by its counter-rubric to correctly calculate the counter-indicated remedies, which will thereafter appear with a grey background in the evaluation grid.
delete: highlighting one or several rubrics then touching the trash icon deletes without warning these rubrics. If no rubric is highlighted touching the trash generate a warning before deleting all the rubrics of the page.
Clinical cases solved with Homeorep
Case n°1: Induration of the skin of the back of the foot
Following a fright, the patient had a pain to one tooth, followed gradually by swelling of the dorsum of the right foot, the skin of which became thick and hard but remained white. Pitting edema. The swelling made it difficult to bend the foot and walk. She had experienced pain in her right leg in the past, suggesting the after-effects of an old phlebitis. Repertorisation with Homeorep gives Lycopodium as the leading remedy. There are no other symptoms to note. One has a purely local symptom, painless, with no concomitant to the rest of the body. The fundamental remedy of this patient is Sulphur, but Sulphur doesn’t work. I trust the repertory and decide to give Lycopodium 30c, 3 granules in a single dose dry under the tongue. The curative reaction begins 3 days later and the back of the foot returns to normal within a few weeks. Below is the evaluation grid provided by Homeorep:

6 months later, the same stress had the same effect, but this time on the left foot !! There is no longer any doubt about the indication of Lycopodium. I could never have found Lycopodium at first attempt using another repertory.
Case n°2: Pain of the back of the foot
For several weeks now, the patient has had a cramp-like pain of the back of her left foot. The pain is improved by moving the foot and aggravated by walking outdoors. No pain when walking indoors; pain comes as soon as she goes outside.

Sepia comes in first by a narrow margin. I later learn that the pain is improved especially when climbing stairs. It confirms the choice of Sepia, which clearly stands out in the chart below. Silicea is contraindicated, Lycopodium and Rhus toxicodendron are doubly contraindicated.

After taking Sepia 30c, one single dose dry, the pain disappears within 2-3 days.
Case n°3: Grasping at the back of the head
In the afternoon sense of grasping pressure in the occiput internally accompanied by depression. Nervous exhaustion with constant need to lie down. A sighing respiration from time to time. Ignatia comes in first in the evaluation grid bellow. Ignatia 30c, a single dose dry, cures in a few days.

Case n°4: Cough ameliorated lying
Here is the rare example of a case where the heading remedy given by the repertorisation seems contraindicated but nevertheless proves to be a possible remedy when looking up in the Materia Medica.
Patient with coryza that has lasted for several weeks. Mucus dripping in the throat from the back of the nose causes coughing. Throat is sore after coughing. Expectoration of white mucus. Coughing stops when lying down, a modality for cough which is not as frequent as its contrary (60/205 remedies in the Complete Repertory 2023). Sore spot on one side of the throat just above the larynx. She can’t stand anything around the neck. A sore spot in the back in the middle of the bra.

Sepia comes in first but is contraindicated (shaded background) in the grid above. Can it nevertheless be the right remedy ? The rubric Aggravation while lying has a grade 3, meaning Sepia appears in many symptoms aggravated while lying, its counter-rubric Amelioration while lying has grade 1 but not 0, important difference meaning there exist one, perhaps a few symptoms of Sepia ameliorated while lying. One has to look up in the Materia Medica to decide.
In T.F. Allen‘s Encyclopedia one finds 3 symptoms for cough aggravated while lying and a single symptom for cough ameliorated while lying: “Dry day cough, which necessitate lying down, and during which it stops; at night while lying no cough, but dry coryza.“
Sepia 30c, a single dose dry, cures quickly. The contraindication was relative but not absolute.
Remedies with low degrees 1 and 2, which can be found in different localisations, sensations or modalities, should not be overlooked. Remedies with high degrees 3 and 4 can allow combination to form complete virtual symptoms with respectively a high and very high probability of existence. The use of the Medical Materia is therefore not systematic.
Case n°5 : Tarsal canal syndrome
Many years after a severe sprain of the left ankle, the lateral malleolus shows considerable bony swelling. A constant pain occurs in the bones, like a fine prick, shooting and rhythmic, > when walking long outdoors.

After Calcarea carbonica 30c, a single dose of 3 granules under the tongue, it takes 2-3 days for the pain to disappear, but it will take many months to resolve the hypertrophy of this ankle and regain the appearance of the right ankle. This case was, you may say, not difficult to solve, and many homeopaths would have given Calcarea carbonica without consulting a book, solely on the basis of their clinical experience. Yet, the repertorisation tells us an important clinical information: Calcarea carbonica has an amelioration of neuralgic pains by walking outdoors.